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Psychologist's Office

Chitra Rajan (Women Ambassador)

Guest of honor - Pathfinder Chieftain


About Chitra Rajan

Chitra Rajan, a distinguished expert in human behavior, serves as Senior Director and Executive & Leadership Counselor at Arize Springs. Her profound insights and counseling skills have empowered professionals to excel in their careers. Trusted for her strategic counsel and deep understanding of psychology, she's also Sales Head at a multinational corporation. Rajan's commitment to personal and professional growth has earned her acclaim as a trailblazer in human behavior and leadership development. Her impactful work inspires individuals and organizations, cementing her reputation as a respected figure in executive coaching and leadership counseling.

Chitra Rajan Offers Therapy In





Self Esteem Issues

Clients Love On Chitra Rajan

I absolutely loved @Arizesprings, for being able to talk to my therapist instantly at a moments notice is wonderful.

Grateful for @Arizesprings! daily check-ins with my therapist are clutch. Working hard to overcome post-traumatic stress, feeling hopeful for better days ahead.

Therapy/Counseling on-and-off for 20 years and never has it been easier or better than with in the past few months at Arize Springs. Highly recommended.

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